As I have been preparing for my wedding (this Saturday!) I have come to appreciate more and more what my father has meant to me and who he is as a man. For the longest time, he has told me that some things are hard to understand until you experience them for yourself, and I think that marriage is bringing out some of those things in me already. My outlook on life and priorities seem to be shifting in a good way in my heart, and I think a certain extra appreciation for my father has welled up as well.
Out of that place, I was drawn to my Dad's first tool box the other night. Megan was assembling some new chairs in the apartment we will live in once we will return from our honeymoon, and I saw this well-worn steel box that my Dad also started me with. Such powerful connotations on the face of that built-like-a-rock box. Craftsman - yes. Highest quality - yes. Guranteed - yes. Thank you Dad for being my father. Love you :)