I was looking through some old photos today in order to get one ready to make a print for a friend's wall. What beautiful pictures they are! I think that I so often get caught up in the newest technology and the best technique and the growth of my photographic eye and vision, that I forget my roots. My roots are Fujichrome Velvia. My roots are a rickety tripod and a long hike to a secret spot. My roots are two weeks of shooting on 36 exposures. There is a certain naiveté in these photos that I am drawn to. Here's to looking back and realizing we've always had it.
Sept. 2003 - First shot of first photography class
Fall 2004 - Borrowed friend Brian's 20mm lens for the day
Fall 2004 - Another detail with the 20mm at the Farmer's Market

Summer 2004 - Vernal Falls from Mist Trail, Yosemite National Park
Summer 2004 (Below) - Penney Lynn's Windtoys, somewhere south of Bishop, CA
I love that wind toys shot :)